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I am a grandmother of two beautiful girls: Lina and Lydia. My “Li-Ly-es.” Life’s journey has brought many pauses. Assessing the paths followed, we learned to embrace the various labels that tend to categorize but not define who we are. This blog is about making and nurturing connections that can uplift us. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we carry bags of fear that prevent us from seeing ourselves in a different light. I am only taking the lead while inviting you to accompany me and see if we can improve our live scripts. I promise to bring as much to the table as possible. And if the mother, grandmother, or teacher in me has to give way to the student or the baby yet to be born, that is the strike for balance.  Each of us has something to share and learn from another. This blog serves as a nurturing cradle. Allow yourselves to bring forth that baby cuddled in your imagination while sharing your knowledge with others. I am inviting you on that journey where stories shared could be a catalyst to burst forth your inner child who long to come out and play. On Sharing and Discovering, let us learn to just “Be.”

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